Sunday 24 July 2016

Recovering Unreachable AWS Instance

I came across this issue during one of my project some time back, posting it here to help if anyone come across the need to recover unreachable AWS instance on cloud & approach.
Instance was running RHEL 6.4 when all of a sudden the SSH connectivity was gone. After analysing the startup logs, I found that ssh service was not coming up & effectively making the instance unusable & not reachable.

The cause of this issue was a bug with RHEL 6.4 EC2 instance which adds multiple
"UseDNS no PermitRootLogin without-password" sections without newline character.


Remove the below erroneous entries from /etc/ssh/sshd_config file & also from /etc/rc.local:
* <<EOL >>* 
UseDNS no 
PermitRootLogin without-password

However without ssh service you will not be able to connect to the instance & do the fix.

If the root partition is on instance storage then you are out of luck as the storage is tied with the instance & can't be detached. If its EBS backed root partition then you can detach & attach it to any existing instance as a data storage. Once it's attached to your new instance, you should be able to mount just as another drive & access the data to do the fix.

Note: If you are eligible for free tier, consider creating a micro instance & attach the root volume of the failed instance as an additional storage to the working instance.

Once you rectify the config files and ready to re-attach the root device, make sure you provide the mount point as sda1 & not sda. If you attach the device with wrong mount point, the instance will fail to boot, even though you might have fixed the configuration issues.

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